As lockdowns ease, the PAT testing companies are emerging from COVID hibernation. They’ve been safety testing electrical equipment – and this has already begun to cause problems for some of our clients. Already this year, we’ve received a very stressful call from a practice with a non-functioning Lutech monitor.
Yes, it is important to make sure that your practices electrical equipment is safe for users by PAT testing. But medical electrical equipment (i.e. your Lutech monitor) is not subject to the standard PAT testing outlined in the IET Code of Practice and should not be PAT tested. It requires a different testing procedure. Remember it has live electrical patient attachments (ECG). Unlike a calculator or office computer, it is built differently to allow for this.
If you are lucky the PAT testing might only blow a fuse.
If you are unlucky, the damage could be significantly more serious.
Please make sure that no-one in the practice gives the Lutech Monitor to the PAT testing engineer – so if they do test it, the PAT testing company is liable for the damage and the cost of repairs and not your practice.
Your Lutech should be tested separately in accordance with IEC 62353. We can do this for you as part of our Lutech Care Plan during its annual service.
Simply put if your PAT test engineer does not know about IEC 62353 don’t let them near your Lutech monitor.

PAT Testing versus IEC 62353 Testing
IEC 62353 defines its own series of tests. Some of these are similar to the standard PAT (such as the earth continuity and insulation tests) but have their own pass/fail limits. Other test procedures include measuring the leakage current on parts of the equipment connected directly to the patient. This requires test instruments that can measure leakage currents below 0.01mA. It also requires specialist knowledge to identify the type of applied connectors.
“Sensitive medical equipment, e.g. Patient monitors, ECG, infusion pump, ultrasound machines, X-ray equipment etc., should only be tested by a competent person, with suitable experience, familiar with BS EN 62353. Equipment covered by and requiring inspection and testing in accordance with BS EN 62353 is outside the scope of this Code of Practice” – IET Code of Practice
All medical equipment that has patient-applied parts is identifiable by a B, BF, or CF symbol. Any equipment bearing these marks should not be PAT tested. This includes your Lutech monitor.
If you have any questions or concerns please pick up the phone and call us on 01903 522911.