Polly put the Pulse Oximeter on

The year was 1993. I had owned a real company for about a week, and suddenly the phone started ringing. Shocked, I answered – “Thames Medical, how can I help you?” “I understand you can help me monitor a patient… who isn’t human,” said the voice on the other end. An Unusual Phone Call “This […]

The Lion, The Dentist and The Pulse Oximeter

“Would your device work on one of my patients?”, the gentleman sitting next to me asked. The Dentist The year was 1987. The place, a British Dental Association meeting somewhere in London. I had just addressed the British Dental Association advisory panel on Safety in Anaesthesia and Sedation (headed by Professor David Poswillo) and had […]

Dangers of using a Sidestream Capnograph on patients under 5kg

Most sidestream capnographs are made for human use. While these kinds of capnograph can still be used on bigger animals such as dogs, most are not tested on patients smaller than 10kg. Capnography with smaller animals can therefore cause a few unusual (and potentially lethal) results – here’s our guide on what to watch out […]